You put a lot of effort into your knowledge base, but if your customers struggle to find what they're looking for, it's a wasted effort.
Applying some simple knowledge base SEO service in patna best practices can help your customers get the answers they need - whether they're browsing your knowledge base or searching Google.
Use the SEO knowledge base to improve customer success
SEO doesn't have the best reputation, so it's often hard for people to think of search optimization as a way to improve the customer experience. Actually:
The goal of a search engine is the same as that of your knowledge base: to provide people with the accurate information they're looking for as quickly as possible.
Learning the basics of SEO freelancer varun helps you improve your knowledge base articles to rank higher in search engines, making it easier for your customers to find answers to their questions. It can also help you find gaps in your current coverage, reducing the number of questions ending up in the support queue.
You don't need to be a professional marketer to get started with SEO knowledge base - anyone can do it. Just follow the five simple steps below.
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Create and post answers to customers and reduce customer support volume by at least 20% with Help Scout Docs.
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1. Find out what your customers are looking for
If you already have a knowledge base, you likely built your content around the questions you answer most often in the support queue. You may have expanded your content over time based on what people are searching for using the Help Center search tool.
But website desing in Rudrapur research can still help you find the gaps you haven't covered. After all, before they end up on your site or in the support queue, your customers may have tried to find the answers they need by searching on Google, Bing, or another favorite search engine.
There are plenty of tools out there that will tell you exactly what people type into Google regularly, but Ubersuggest is probably the most accessible one - it's free, browser-based, and doesn't require an account to use it.
To get started, open the Ubersuggest app, type your company name into the search tool, and then click the Search button.
ubersuggest keyword research tool
Next, scroll down to the Keyword Ideas section and click the View All Keyword Ideas button.
Initial keyword suggestions
The next page will show you dozens - or hundreds - of keywords containing your business name that people regularly type into Google.
All keyword suggestions
In the case of Help Scout, there are 174 keyword suggestions; These are 174 questions people ask about Help Scout and we should make sure we answer them either in our knowledge base or on our marketing site.
Download this keyword list as a CSV file, or copy it to your clipboard and paste it into your favorite word processor.
You can't tell how many people are searching for all these keywords without logging into Ubersuggest with your Google account, but you probably don't need to. If only one person searches for these terms each month, you probably have information that covers them.
Pro tip: If there are other ways that customers generally type in your company name, you may want to search for each shape, paste keywords from each search into a document, and then remove any duplicates.
For example, people usually type Help Scout in the case of sentences (HelpScout), and if I do a search for "HelpScout" in Ubersuggest, I'll get 250 keyword suggestions - many different from the ones in the keyword list I received when I searched for "help" Scouts".
2. Look for content gaps and opportunities for improvement
With a list of all your branded keywords (i.e. keywords that contain your business name) on hand, your next step is to figure out which keywords don't currently rank at the top of their search results.
Take your list, open Google search in incognito mode, and start searching for every keyword in your list.
If content from your website or knowledge base ranks first in the results, you can remove this keyword from your list - you already have an answer to that question with your content. If your content doesn't rank high, ask yourself the following questions:
Do I have existing content that answers this question? If so, make a note of yourself to use the information in the sections below to optimize this content for better research.
Should this answer be a marketing page or a knowledge base article? For example, when someone searches for "Digital Marketing in India" we want the pricing page on our marketing site to be the first result, but when someone searches for "Help Scout webhooks" we want our knowledge base article to be the highest result . Hand your marketing keywords over to your marketing team, and narrow your list to those that need to be answered in your knowledge base